Alternative fun with baking, life, and culinary school.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Cake and Stuff...

Okay, okay... So I don't have a delicious food post of my own to show you quite yet.
Give it some time, I will have my first food post up soon.  I wasn't even planning on posting today, but I decided that maybe if I am not baking delicious treats right now, I could at least show you what is on my to do list. ;).

Okay, first and foremost, this b-e-a-utiful cake.  I am obsessed over the idea of making this cake right now. 
Don't judge... I'm a baker who happens to love colorful cake.  Big deal.

This particular picture comes from Natalie over at
Her cake turned out perfect.  I love the definition in the colors brought out by the white frosting in between.  What can I say, I am a sucker for rainbow food.  
Although this picture belongs to Natalie, she is not the creator of the original idea of this cake.  She just happens to be how I came upon it in the first place.  This cake actually comes from Kaitlin over at
You can read more about the origin of the idea of this cake, and even watch Kaitlin's appearance on Martha Stewart by going to her blog.

I made a rainbow cake once.  True story.  Only there were no defined layers, because I never thought of that for some reason.  I suppose that makes it more of a tye-dye cake then.  Either way, excuse the crummy picture quality (this was pre fancy camera era) but here it is.

On to the next item on my current to do list!
Baby doughnuts! Courtesy of Heather at:
(keep reading, a few more items on my to do list are from this very site)

I'm not gonna lie.  I have been crazy craving doughnuts lately.  I now realized that I MUST own a tiny doughnut pan.  Not a revelation had by most.  Nonetheless, I want baby doughnuts.  Enough said.

Of course, being the amazing food blog it is, I couldn't just stop at the baby doughnuts.  Ohhhh no.  I gotta have THESE too.  Strawberry milk whoopie pies.  Yeah yeah yeah... Milk.  That doesn't mean I have to use cow milk.  I bet they would taste great as "Strawberry Coconut Milk Whoopie Pies".  You never know.  But I will.  Soon I hope.  (If anyone here decides to get to this before I do, let me know which alternative milk fairs best.)

That's about all for the moment, but let me leave you with this link:
I leave you with this, because it is my all time favorite blog.  Her writing is humorous, her photos are awesome, and her recipes are amazingly unique.  I leave you with this because I pretty much want to bake everything in her recipe index.  True story.

Well, I hope this post will make up for the lack of my first food post.  Don't worry.  I will wow you soon enough.  I hope.  :)

Till then, stay excellent <3

Monday, August 8, 2011

In case you want to learn a little more about me...

If you haven’t already read through my profile, Hi.  :) .
My name is Emily.  I am allergic to milk.
I am 20 years old now, and have been baking ever since I can remember.
I am currently enrolled in Johnson and Wales University (Denver campus).  (Studying Baking/Pastry Arts – Food Service Management with a focus on Entrepreneurship).
Very recently, I lived in a home as a live-in nanny.  I took care of three children, one of which has celiacs disease.
For those of you who do not know what celiacs is:
The gist of it is, she cannot have anything with wheat or gluten.  As is the same with my fiance.
All of these things have led me into focusing on alternative baking.  I dream of creating a dairy free/gluten free wedding cake one day, but one that you cannot tell has been altered.
It has been a true dairy free/gluten free adventure, let me tell you.
I have had to experiment with nut flours, xantham gum, nut milks, dairy free butters….
The list really does go on.  It can be frustrating at times to get the desired consistency, flavor, or even look.  (As is the same with all baking.)
Yes, I have had some massive failures.  On the other hand, I have also has some pretty fantastic outcomes as well.  It really is trial and error with these things.
So, this is what I am going to do with this blog -
I would like to show you what life is really like at culinary school.  (Maybe you’re curious.)
I want to set my self up with a little discipline.  I will either make food and tell you about it, or I’ll let you in on the crazy inner workings of my brain.  I’ll tell you what’s what.  ;)
We’ll bake up some fun together.  (The alternative way!)  (With the added bonus of my ever-so-helpful tips and suggestions.)
I will be taking some lovely photos for you.  (Personally, I tend to gravitate more to the recipes with photos that go along with them.)
Together, I think we can keep things pretty, colorful, and sweet.
So check back soon, I will surely have something exciting for you.
Peace, Love and Dairy Free Cupcakes! :) ;)
Emily :)